Monday, September 19, 2011

Shutter Speed

This is Caroline dancing I used a slow shutter speed and a flash which created these really cool light images behind her.

This is another slow shutter speed focusing on the American Flag which my friend Chris was waving around. Again a flash was used which created bold colors.

This is a fast shutter speed with a flash that displays Chris waving the flag again. I like that you can see Chris's friend reaching for it. 

This is a fast shutter speed to capture the action of the game, it was difficult because I tried not to use flash and the aperture was having a hard time being able to capture the light. 

This was a slow shutter speed which I liked because it gives it a bright light.

The shutter speed is capturing really great movement but the light with no flash just makes it too dark.

This was a flash and a high shutter speed. I like the focus on the sideline players watching the action on the field

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