Thursday, September 29, 2011


Working with aperture is different because you have to constantly readjust it. This was my friend Cait's hands but she's really pale and her phone was white so I had to readjust it to this:

This was Cait's hands with a higher aperture so that less light came in because it wasn't needed.

I went to the girl's soccer game on Saturday and the weather was pretty funky. The clouds were dark but it was still bright out so I had to constantly re-adjust the aperture. I liked doing a sporting event because it made me have to use both shutter speed and aperture. I also liked this picture because you can see the scoreboard in the background along with the player heading the ball.

The sky was really light in this one so i had to put the aperture lighter. 

The sky was light here too so the aperture had to go up. 

This began the sequence of a girl running. I like this sequence because the shutter speed was fast and the aperture was able to stay the same.

The sky started to darken here so the aperture went down to let more light in. 

This photo allows you to see more of the field which helped with depth.

And she finally made it to the goal!

This one I had to lower the aperture because it was darker and more light was needed.

This is the Sixth and I Historic Synagogue in Chinatown. I wanted to be able to get one when it was getting later out but the sky was still light so that I could play with the aperture more.

This is one of my best friends Grace. I liked shooting in the evening because the sky had a golden tone to it. She's out of focus which i also liked a lot. 

These photos are of Rufus the spider living on our balcony. He's huge and scary and I'm pretty sure poisonous. I like them because they were taken all in the same 5 minutes but I had to readjust the aperture almost 15 times. 

It was early out so it was so humid the lens kept fogging up!

This one obviously has some color enhancing but I like it because his web was so light and the color boost helped to intensify it. 

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